ERICA is a council of university energy research institutes which collectively aim to provide:
National capacity across a broad spectrum of cutting-edge energy research, in both specialised and inter-disciplinary fields;
High-level, evidence-based, energy policy advice to government;
An over-the-horizon perspective on future energy opportunities and challenges that can only be informed by cutting-edge research;
A research touchpoint for industry and government on energy issues of national and international significance; and
A research-led education network for students and young researchers.
Membership of ERICA by any organisation is by invitation through the agreement of existing members, and membership can be requested at any time.
The membership is non-binding, and the consensus views represented by the Council are those of the ERICA representatives and not of their parent universities.
The ERICA secretariat will move from one member institute to the other, each year.
Curtin University is the secretariat for 2023-2024.